Money to help house crime victims with disabilities

On top of a navy blue rectangle, white text reads: "Are the following true for you? We may be able to help." Underneath that title, in navy blue text, are the words: "1) You live in Kansas 2) You have a disability 3) You have been the victim of a crime 4) The crime made the place you live or used to live unsafe and you still do not have a safe place to live." To the right of the text is an image of a White, Blonde woman in a wheelchair in front of kitchen cabinets. In the top right of the image is a navy blue graphic reading "LEARN MORE" with an icon of a computer mouse.

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We have some money to help people with disabilities and seniors who have been victims of crime. This money is to help people who had to leave where they lived because it wasn't safe anymore. We can also use this money to help people make their homes safe again after a crime.

We may be able to pay for:

  • Temporary rent (we can't pay for security deposits)
  • Temporary utilities 
  • Moving expenses 
  • Changes or repairs to make your home safe again (repairing broken windows, fixing locks, etc.)

If the following things are true for you, contact us to see if we can help. It does not matter if you reported the crime to the police or not.

  • You live in Kansas
  • You have a disability or are a senior
  • You have been the victim of a crime
  • The crime made the place you live or used to live unsafe and you still do not have a safe place to live

This grant project is supported by subgrant number 24-VOCA-56 awarded through the Federal Office for Victims of Crime as administered by the Kansas Governor’s Grants Program. The opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication, program, or exhibition are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Office of the Kansas Governor or the U.S. Department of Justice.

Money to help house crime victims with disabilities