Our Services
Intake & AssessmentDRC will provide an intake and assessment to determine what type of advocacy we can provide to you (legal representation, advocacy, technical assistance, or information and referral).
Legal RepresentationA DRC attorney may represent Kansans with disabilities whose rights have been violated under state or federal law (ADA, Section 504, Medicaid Act, Fair Housing Act, etc.). and their issue fits within DRC’s priorities, scope, capacity, etc. |
Advocacy RepresentationNon-legal representation where a DRC advocate works with and on behalf of the consumer in their disability rights needs. |
Self-Advocacy AssistanceProviding assistance and support to help Kansans with disabilities advocate for themselves in their disability rights issues. |
Information & ReferralConnecting Kansans with disabilities with others who might be better suited to address their issues (when the needs of the consumer do not fit within DRC’s priorities, scope, capacity, etc.). |