Bullying and Students with Disabilities - A Resource for Parents

Do you have a child with a disability who is being bullied in school?

Children with an IEP or 504 plan are entitled to a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE), but bullying can
interfere with their education. DRC's Disability & Aging Crime Victims Unit helps students with disabilities address bullying. We have a new resource with information on steps to take if bulling occurs and changes that can be requested in an IEP/504 plan to prevent bullying. 

Visit this link to check out the resource webpage: Students with Disabilities & Bulling Webpage 

View this link to check out the brochure as a PDF: Students with Disabilities & Bulling PDF 

DRC's Disability & Aging Crime Victims Unit (DACVU) is here to help. If you have questions about
your rights or need assistance with a bullying situation, please contact DRC and ask to complete an intake with one of our Disability & Aging Crime Victim Unit advocates. 


Bullying and Students with Disabilities - A Resource for Parents