Latest Updates
Coalition Letter To Attorney General Kobach: Withdraw Kansas from Harmful Section 504 Lawsuit
Voting: From How to Why
Quarterly Updates from DRC - September 2024
Bullying and Students with Disabilities - A Resource for Parents
Quarterly Updates from DRC - April 2024
DRC Awarded $15,500 Grant to Enhance Legal Services for Persons with Disabilities
Learn About Common Housing Scams
Factors to Consider Before Letting Someone Move Into Your Home - New Resource
Tell the Kansas Legislature to Eliminate the 11-year Waitlist for Disability Services!
Supported Decision Making in Kansas - New Resource
Quarterly Updates from DRC - December 2023
DRC In the News: ‘Darkest of dark stains’: Kansas advocates call for funding of long-forsaken disability services
Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, & the Disability Community
Press Release February 16, 2023
Don't Lose Your Medicaid Coverage - Make Sure Your Information is Up to Date!
Avoid Becoming the Victim of Identity Theft or a Financial Scam
DRC’s office is open for in-person visits!
DRC’s office is open to the public for in-person meetings as of Monday, November 15th 2021.
Victory for Kansas Residents of Mental Health Nursing Facilities
DRC & Other Disability Advocates Reach Agreement with State of Kansas to Reform Services for People Living in Mental Health Nursing Facilities
Money to help house crime victims with disabilities
We have some money to help people with disabilities who have been victims of crime. This money is to help people who had to leave where they lived because it wasn’t safe anymore. We can also use this money to help people make their home safe again after a crime.
Emergency Broadband Benefit to help households pay for Internet
The Emergency Broadband Benefit is a program to help households struggling to pay for internet during the pandemic. It will help people access information, jobs, healthcare, and virtual school. This benefit is a discount of up to $50 per month toward broadband services for eligible households and up to $75 per month for households on Tribal lands. Eligible households can also receive a one-time discount of up to $100 to purchase a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet from participating providers if they contribute $10-$50 toward the purchase price.
Vaccine access for Kansans with disabilities
Every Kansan 16 or older is eligible to get a COVID-19 vaccine. COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective. Having everyone get a COVID-19 vaccine is needed to have all our lives get back to normal. Having everyone get the vaccine will help us be able to do the things we used to do safely again.
Affordable Care Act open enrollment extended to Aug. 15
You can enroll in Marketplace health coverage through August 15 due to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) emergency. More people than ever before qualify for help paying for health coverage, even those who weren’t eligible in the past. Learn more about new, lower costs at
DRC is seeking applicants to the PAIMI Advisory Council
We are seeking new applicants to DRC's Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness (PAIMI) Advisory Council. If you are interested in serving on the council, please submit your resume via email to
Child Tax Credit provides automatic monthly payments for nearly all working families
The American Rescue Plan Act changed the Child Tax Credit to increase the amount of the payments, make more people with lower incomes eligible for the payments, and to send out the payments periodically during the second half of 2021. See our fact sheet for more information on the 2021 Child Tax Credit.
Frequently asked questions about the 3rd Economic Impact Payment
Important information for Kansas with disabilities on the third economic impact payment (stimulus check) being distributed in Spring 2021.
Fact Sheet on SPED Rights during COVID-19
This fact sheet explains parents' and students' Special Education rights during the COVID-19 pandemic, during remote learning as well as in-person school.
NDRN Launches 'Know Your Rights During COVID-19' Video Series
These videos from the National Disability Rights Network address the rights of people with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic.
$1,200 Economic Impact Payments Frequently Asked Questions
Important information for Kansans with disabilities regarding the economic impact payments (sometimes referred to as "stimulus checks") being distributed as part of the COVID-19 relief efforts
Kansas' Mental Health Crisis and How to Fix It
The DRC has completed an extensive investigation of the Mental Health System in Kansas and issued a detailed report finding that the State of Kansas has violated federal and state law by unlawfully institutionalizing Kansans with mental health needs in institutions called Nursing Facilities for Mental Health (NFMHs).