Know Your Special Education Rights: A Guide for Parents and Students in Kansas

Image of a school-age Black boy in a wheelchair sitting at a desk with a piece of paper on it. He is smiling big and is holding a pencil. Behind him are two students at desks. To the right and up is a navy blue rectangle with white text reading "JUST-IN-TIME INFORMATION." Below the blue rectangle is an orange rectangle with white text reading "on 30+ Special Education topics." In the top right of the image is a white rectangle with navy blue text that reads "FULL GUIDE" and a small icon of a computer mouse.

Note that the PDF linked above is a 68 page document, so it takes some time to load. Either wait for the pages to show up on your screen, or click on the individual flyers below for a faster load time. 

This series is a collaboration between the Disability Rights Center of Kansas and Families Together, Inc. It covers over 30 Special Education topics. They are designed to give you “just in time” information for each step of the Special Education process. You can download the whole series in the form of an extensive booklet, or simply choose the topics and view the individual flyers as you need them. 

PDF Version: Full Guide of all 30+ Flyers (Compiled as a Booklet)

What is the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA)?

Who can make a referral for an evaluation to determine if my child needs Special Education services?

What is an IEP team meeting?

What is an Individualized Education Program (IEP)?

How does my child qualify for an IEP?

What should an IEP include?

How can I advocate for my child at an IEP meeting?

What can I do if my child's IEP is not working?

Transferring your child to a new school with an IEP

What is a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) in Special Education?

Students Right to Assistive Technology (AT)

What is the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)?

What is Extended School Year (ESY)?

What is a Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) and a Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP)?

What is a Manifestation Determination Review (MDR)?

Suspensions & Expulsions

What is Due Process in Special Education?

What is Mediation?

What is a Formal Complaint?

Special Education Services & Private School

Homeschooling & Special Education

What is Emergency Safety Intervention (ESI)?

Restraint & Seclusion

Notifying a parent of ESI

How can I file a complaint if ESI was used on my child?

What is an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP)?

What is Tiny-k?

What is Kan-Be-Healthy/Early Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT)?

What are Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)?

What is Child Find?

Transitioning from high school as a student with a disability

How can Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) help with my child's transition?

What is a 504 plan?


Know Your Special Education Rights: A Guide for Parents and Students in Kansas